Oct 12, 2010


Fitness with specialized programs for every client. A concept of designing personalized workouts for every client taking into consideration their medical conditions, however insignificant they may be thus enabling us to monitor the clients overall improvement in health also. So if you are a young person wanting to build your muscles scientifically without injuring yourself in the process or you are a gentleman with diabetes wanting to work out, we have specific programs to suit your needs.

Cardio cocktail@sai
Heavy duty commercial treadmills specially designed to prevent knee injuries and latest ellipticals all are a part of the Isomer cardio section.

Weight training with an array of hydraulic and free weights for clients is available around the clock.

Spin @ sai
The latest in cardiovascular exercise is spinning. Trainers boast of an array of amazing spin bikes to work out your entire cardiovascular and muscular system with maximum focus on the lower part of the body. Get ready to spin, get ready to become a fit, fitter, and fittest.

GYM @ sai
THE SAI RAM-THE FAMILY FITNESS has been equipped with world-class equipments, to make exercise enjoyable & injury free to its clients. It hosts a range of cardio respiratory fitness equipments & strength training machines to train all parts of your body. The trainers are certified in fitness & first aid and they constantly undergo fitness-training programs, conducted by renowned fitness experts.

The Floor incharges, who will make exercise simpler & suitable to achieve your goals! The Physios will take care of Fitness Screening, Posture Analysis, Exercise prescription & injury management. Exercising gets safer & effective only at SAI. The music and the ambience add to the flavor and make SAI a great place to work out. Meet the facility manager and the front office crew and enroll yourself today to Get High on Life!

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