Oct 12, 2010


Steam Bath is a relaxing experience of exposing the body to steam. Steam Bath moisturizes and cleans the skin to promote beauty. 
Steam bath can provide great relief from pain and stiffness of arthritis. During a 10 minutes steam session the heart rate increases by 50 to 75 percent, which provides the same metabolic results as physical exercises

The elevated temperature increases the blood circulation for healthier skin. Steam Bath relaxes the overtired, overworked and overstressed stiff muscles.

It reduces pain, aches, swelling and tension in body and joints. Steam Bath opens up the pores, soothes the sinus irritation caused due to allergic or cold and chest congestion. 

Steam Bath rejuvenates and vitalizes the body.

SAI RAM –THE FAMILY FITNESS makes Steam Bath a memorable experience by adding dosages of essential oils having medicinal valve to steam generation. This has become very popular among our members and others.


1 comment:

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